Initiating a new Brother 17th January 2025

It is always a special evening when you are able to initiate a candidate that is new to Masonry. It celebrates both growth and the future prosperity of the Lodge and Freemasonry in general. This evening was very special as not only were we able to welcome, now, Brother Manminder Matharu to the Lodge but […]

A Successful Raising 18th October 2024

A really enjoyable evening was held to raise Bro Cristian Pache to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The Worshipful Master supported by a number of past masters participated in what was a very moving ceremony. This, as always, was followed by a festive board when Bro Cristian gave a heart felt response to […]

A Great Installation 20th September 2024

W. Bro Tony Marshall was installed into the chair of King Solomon as Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Freedom by the outgoing Master W. Bro Graham Kimberley. The Lodge was honoured by the attendance of Presiding Officer W. Bro David Shakeshaft Assistant Provincial Grand Master along with other Provincial officers and a number of […]

Summer Officers Meeting

Sunday 30th June saw the majority of members, their partners, some friends and a potential new member join, together for an enjoyable afternoon in the mostly sunny and sometimes warm weather. The formal part of the day was the Officers meeting when the Past Masters and members agreed on the work and Officers proposed by […]

Double Celebration at the Lodge of Freedom

The 20th October 2023 saw a double celebration for the Lodge of Freedom where Bro. Cristian Pache was passed to the second degree and W. Bro Tony Marshall became a joining member of the lodge.  Thank you to all of the brethren who took part in the ceremony and to those brother visitors who came […]

A Superb Installation Evening for Lodge of Freedom 3914 

On 22nd September 2023, W Bro Graham Kimberley was Proclaimed as Worshipful Master for the Fifth time at the Lodge of Freedom. We were joined by W. Bro Andrew Dobbins, the Provincial Grand Junior Warden and Presiding Officer, along with a number of Provincial Officers from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire. The members and visitors had a really enjoyable evening and raised an impressive sum for the chosen Charity of Reading […]