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What we have been doing

Summer Officers Meeting

Sunday 30th June saw the majority of members, their partners, some friends and a potential new member join, together for an enjoyable afternoon in

July 3, 2024

Double Celebration at the Lodge of Freedom

The 20th October 2023 saw a double celebration for the Lodge of Freedom where Bro. Cristian Pache was passed to the second degree and

October 27, 2023

A Superb Installation Evening for Lodge of Freedom 3914 

On 22nd September 2023, W Bro Graham Kimberley was Proclaimed as Worshipful Master for the Fifth time at the Lodge of Freedom. We were joined by W. Bro Andrew Dobbins, the Provincial Grand Junior Warden

September 28, 2023

Earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria will receive emergency aid of £60,000 (

More than 16,000 people are confirmed to have died in the two quakes which have devastated large areas of south west Turkey and across

April 18, 2023

Freemasonry’s support for Ukraine: one year on – The Masonic Charitable Foundation (

It has been over a year since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, which took more than eight thousand lives, and led millions

April 18, 2023

Supporting charities impacted by COVID

Freedom mason have responded generously to an appeal to support Acorns Hospice whilst their shops are closed due to covid.

June 6, 2020

Mason’s online: The evolution of lodge of freedom Warwickshire

Whilst we protect our elder masons and general society we have moved all meetings online until it is safe to go back to the

June 6, 2020